Rocoto Peron

C. pubescens

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Get ready for a chili that turns up the heat! The Rocoto Peron is not your average chili – it’s packed with a LOT more heat than you might expect. But it’s not just spicy; it smells and tastes amazing too.

This chili is super versatile. You can enjoy it fresh, sprinkle it as a powder to add some zing to your meals, or use the smoked powder for that extra depth of flavor in your cooking. It’s a big hit in any form!

The Rocoto Peron does take a bit longer to grow than some others, but the wait is worth it because you’ll get plenty of chilis from your plants. It’s a top pick for anyone who loves their chilis hot and can handle a bit of a challenge. Plus, it’s really good at dealing with the cold, so even if your garden isn’t the warmest, this chili will still thrive.

If you love your chilis with a serious kick, the Rocoto Firecracker is the one for you. Let’s bring some heat to your garden and your kitchen!

Challenge: 2 (needs a longer season)
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