![Rocoto, Yellow Grande](https://fataliiseeds.net/wp-content/leximo_cache/images/home-fataliiseeds-public_html-wp-content-leximo_cache-images-_conversion-home-fataliiseeds-public_html-wp-content-uploads-2019-10/rocoto_yellow_grande-1.webp-200-200-8-75.webp)
Rocoto, Yellow Grande
4,90 €
Fruity Heat (Seed kit)
C. baccatum, C. chinense, C. pubescens
Seed kit containing carefully chosen, very aromatic chili peppers from mild-medium to very hot!
Aji Mango
Very very tasty, sweet, fruity, aromatic baccatum chili pepper!
The name actually suits this chili very well as the taste really resembles a Mango a little.
There are two versions of this chili pepper but this more round one was definitely more tasty.
Compact plant, Tolerates different temperatures very well which makes it a perfect all around plant.
Cream Fantasy
Very tasty, sweet baccatum chili with below medium heat level.
Matures to creamy white.
Gives GREAT yields.
Crunchy, thick fleshed texture and shape make this an excellent variety for stuffing!
This variety is still under development so it’s not fully stable yet.
Habanero, Caribbean Red
This beautiful pepper offers all the things we love about Habanero. Bright red pods
are fiery hot and full of that unique flavor suitable for especially Caribbean–style cooking.
Produces incredible amount of pods each season! From Cuba.
Rocoto Montufar
Juicy, quite prolific and semi-compact rocoto plant. Heat level is just above average.
The taste when fully mature is absolutely fantastic combined with a full spectrum heat level,
far from the unpleasant stingy pungency. A must have for any rocoto lover!
Normal price when these varieties bought separately: 17,30€
All seed kit orders will also include a pocket growing guide.
Each pack contains approximately 8-10 or more seeds per variety.
Categories: Chili Seeds , C. baccatum , C. chinense , C. pubescens , Mild , Medium , Hot , Easy to grow , Seed Kits
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