
C. annuum

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The Fresno pepper, native to California, is a vibrant chili that transitions from green to red as it matures, with its flavor deepening and its heat increasing along the way. It’s known for its crisp texture and a sweet, sometimes lovely smoky taste when cooked, making it a favorite for adding a bit of spice without overwhelming dishes.

With a heat level that can vary from mild to medium, it’s as versatile in the kitchen as it is in the garden, thriving in warm, sunny spots and rewarding growers with a bountiful harvest. Nutritionally, it packs a punch with low calories and high vitamins A and C, plus the added benefit of capsaicin, which is celebrated for its health-boosting properties. Whether you’re spicing up a salsa, crafting a hot sauce, or just adding a bit of color and flavor to a meal, the Fresno pepper is a delightful choice that brings both heat and health to your table.

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